The Upper Room® Resource for Daily Devotion

Mary Esther UMC provides copies of The Upper Room Devotional book throughout the year. Books are published in two-month increments (Jan-Feb through Nov-Dec), and we receive them the month prior to the scheduled date. We place copies for pickup in the Narthex on the last Sunday of the previous month (Dec for Jan-Feb, Feb for Mar-Apr, etc.).
If anyone desires a copy and there are no longer books available in the Narthex, please come to the church office. We have some copies for guests to read in the lobby, and we are happy to share.
About The Upper Room
“New every morning is your love, great God of light, and all day long you are working for good in the world.”Liturgy for Morning Prayer, Upper Room Worshipbook
The Upper Room® is a global ministry dedicated to supporting the spiritual life of Christians seeking to know and experience God more fully. From its beginnings in 1935 as a daily devotional guide, The Upper Room has grown to include publications, programs, prayer support, and other resources to help believers of all ages and denominations move to a deeper level of faith and service.